
Thursday, June 17, 2010


sebelum nie... aku mmg x amek port pon pasal gaza2 nie... israel2 nie..
4 me... its not important.. not my business... it's just another war somewhere in this planet.. 
i just can't be bothered with people fighting for the stupidest thing on earth.. 
i don't like it.. aku x ske keganasan... aku x ske orang gado... and orang cakap kuat2 pon menakotkan aku... *penakotkan aku??... tp.. mmg itulah aku...

but then, aku tertgk kt tv3 semalam.. dokumentari berkaitan rachel corrie..
aku mcm pernah dengar name tu.. tapi sum sort of kapal la... i think.. but i don't really know kapal tu ntok ape.. belayar kemane..bawa ape.. dengan sape.. and lastly, kenapa name dye rachel corrie...

then aku tgk.. dan aku taw...

nama dye RACHEL CORRIE yang diambil sempena nama insan mulia nie... walaupun die x seagama dengan aku.. tapi aku akan tetap bangge dgn dye.. and may u rest in peace...

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003)

dye nie adelah seorang aktivis.. nak taw ape yang jadi dgn dye?
bace nie...

"Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American member of theInternational Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was crushed to death in the Gaza Strip by anIsrael Defence Forces (IDF) bulldozer when she was kneeling in front of a local Palestinian's home, thus acting as a human shield, attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home. The IDF has claimed that the death was due to the restricted angle of view of the IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer driver, while ISM eyewitnesses said "there was nothing to obscure the driver's view."[1] A student at the Evergreen State College, she had taken a year off and traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada.[2]"

ade satu rumah kat sane nak kne robohkan.. and she stood there.. told them to stop..(Israel Defence Forces (IDF))... but they wont listen to her... and mereka just langgar dye mcm tu... digilis.. dilenyek... dgn bulldozer... bajak tu... taw??? 

nie la.. menatang yang langgar dye..

how can a man do that..  xdew hati perot ke pe... langgar orang mcm tu... bapak dye... dem! aku x boleh pikir ape yang patot aku maki kt sni!!  no words is good enough... 
AKU BENCI KAW!!! setan btol... 
and yang buat aku sedeyh... ade jugak mulot2 bangkai yang kutok tindakan rachel tu... bkn nak kutok orang yang langgar dye taw... tapi kutok orang yang mati tu... apesal??  dye cakap rachel belagak hero... tak taw bendew... but no matter wat she does.. patot ke dye mati sebegitu.. and yang paling bestnye... alasan yang diberi oleh askar israel tu... "there was nothing to obscure the driver's view." dye x nampak??? bodowh ke pe...
dye tu manusia taw x.. she just stand 4 what she believe was right... and nobody should b treated like that.. even pembunuh pon mati kne gantung jela... and seorang yang mempertahankan hak manusia lain.. mati dalam keadaan begitu...  tgkla... israel... and they're not sorry for that...  

aku marah sangat bukan sebab tu je.. berape ribu lagi orang yang dah mati sebab mereka.. israel... beratos ribu..  
budak2... perempuan..lelaki.. orang tue... cube lah korang bayangkan.. tak bole bayangkan?? meh aku bg  gmbr...

nie... got it.... banyak lagi gambar2 yang menggambarkan kekejaman dorang... tapi aku tanak upload.. sebab aku sendiri pon x berani nak tengok...  kenapa la macam nie ek.. ape dorang tak boleh nmpk ke ape yang dorang dah buat?? orang2 yang dorang dah bunuh..
kanak2 yang hilang mak bapak... xkanlah x dew sifat kemanusiaan siket pon dalam diri dorang.. how can they even sleep at night without thinking even a bit pon pasal people that they had killed... with their own hand...  cbe kalau mak bapak diorang dibuat macam tu??? ape prasaan dye??

and can sumone please do sumthing?? 

xkanla x dew sesape yang bole buat ape2 untuk hentikan perkara tu??
xdew ke sesape??  there must be someone that can stop all this... 
this is wrong.. they kill people...  and setiap minit yang aku lalui nie.. ntah berape orang yang terkorban kat sne....please... DO SOMETHING....  they need help... aku x taw nak wat pe.. kaw aku taw... and aku boleyh.. aku dah tolong... 

if i'm a doctor.. i'll go there to treat.. 

if i'm a lawyer.. i'll go to every court take a legal action to stop them.. 

i'f a am a policeman.. i'll protect every one that i could.. 

if i am a billionnair.. i'll give them all i have just to stop them from killing people..
but i am neither or that.. 

i'am just me.. 

and all i can do is pray.. and donate as much as i can.. as much as i can afford...

but if someone can do anything to help them... please do... please.. i'm begging u...


  1. I just can't stop thinking about this - you feel angry(or whatever you named it) for them to kill Rachel Aliene Corrie on March 16, 2003 after you watch the show on 2010(!!) but you never cared for thousands of Palastinians(Muslims) that's being killed mercilessly by Israeli (before you watch the show).

    "sebelum nie... aku mmg x amek port pon pasal gaza2 nie... israel2 nie..
    4 me... its not important.. not my business... it's just another war somewhere in this planet..
    i just can't be bothered with people fighting for the stupidest thing on earth..
    i don't like it.. aku x ske keganasan... aku x ske orang gado... and orang cakap kuat2 pon menakotkan aku... *penakotkan aku??... tp.. mmg itulah aku..."

    do you really still think the war is for nothing?!

  2. bace btol2 ye... bkn pasal tu je aku mrh..and may b if u just stop being a jerk and read everything i wrote.. then u'll understand!


    "aku marah sangat bukan sebab tu je.. berape ribu lagi orang yang dah mati sebab mereka.. israel... beratos ribu..
    budak2... perempuan..lelaki.. orang tue... cube lah korang bayangkan.. tak bole bayangkan?? meh aku bg gmbr..."

  3. aku plak bkn more to war tau yg aku x fhm..
    i'm more into...i never know pon ade english speaking day kat blog..??
    no one told me..
    bkembang u all smenjak ke-absent-an aku d tiram ea..
    with love...ank pkcik ratin

  4. hahaha... tu la ko.. kitorang da maju da skang...
