
Saturday, February 12, 2011

my 2011 "awesome"ness!!.

awesome eh???

 awesome la plak..
last few months.. well.. last few years actually... my life was kinda suck! but takpe2... aku bole sabar... pasrah dengan takdir yang allah dah tetapkan... (wait2 pasrah???WTF??) hahaahaha... xpewla.. malas flashback taon2 sebelum ini... just starting a new year with a new chapter.. and lemme tell you.. this chapter is way more suck than reading dihadapan pulau yang mmg aku tak pernah bace sampai habis tu...

ok... lets see.. how do i start my new year... yeahh...right..we had a big fight with someone we consider as an extention of our family..
(we= my family)..
 it was a very big fight.. and one of the most saddest moment in our life... all of us was crying... and all of us.. me, my family and my other family.. was devastated.. but later.. he realise how much we meant to them... and how much they meant to us... we forget all that... and start a new chapter and forget all that had happened... at the end of the day.. we knew that we love each other too much to let this family broken a part.. 

so next... love life?? as usual... tiade perkembangan... hahahaha... sumpah tak market!!! trok gle market tahun nie... jatuh merundum... ade orang cakap.. if a girl turns 20.. and still doesn't have any stable relationship.. something is obviously wrong.... peh.. ayat... terase diri amat terhina.... *dramatik.. but honestly.. i dont have any problem being single.. but.. pandangan dan kenyataan orang lain yang buat aku rase x senang duduk... huh! x pew2.. ade lagi 3 bulan sebelum aku turns 20... ade mase lagi.... bak kate timah.... "lameeee lagiiiiiiiiii"..... hahahaha... good thing comes for girls who wait... so.. ok.. fine.. i wait..i wait..

cani pnye lawa bole x maket??

*ok.. anda dibenarkan tampar saye secare bergilir2... amek turn!!! hahahaha.. gi mati la ko shepah!

next.. berat badan...


hah! dalam banyak2 tempat makan best yang aku pnah makan.. ade satu restoran yang aku sangat suke pegi... ble tgh lapo.. sedeyh dan down... aku akn pergi BLACK CANYON.. yang kat Jusco tu... sumpah best... bile pergi sane.. aku akan teros jadi hepy..environment dye.. sangat menggumbirakan.. makanan sedap.. banyak.. and yang paling best.. dessert dye... sangat menggumbirakan... semalam aku baru pegi dgn adik aku.. but since kitorang tengah agk kejar mase.. so, x dpt nak order byk2...ade western dgn malay food.. and sebab prot aku dah berdangdut! aku pilih makan nasik sebab lauk dye banyak!

aku pnye.. nme dye aku lpe..

orange frost and lime frost

spaghetti ape ntah.. pnjg nme dye... lupe da..

spicy stir fried seafood with basil...

ice cream dye aku terlupe nak amek gambar..
*xsempat pon.. makan cam ape... hahahhaa...

oh!terlupe nak bagitaw!! starting from last january...
huhuhuhu... sory... gambar x dew.. x sempat amek lagi... nnti ade.. aku upload.. inspirasi untuk menjadi brunette:

Kristen Stewart a.k.a Bella Swan

hahahaha... bongok ko shepah!! mentang2 edward prefers brunette.. ko kalerkan rambot ko jadi brunette ea! hahaha... anda2 jgn salah faham ye.. miss di atas nie hanya menyumbang 40 peratos daripada penukaran warna rambut saya.. sebab utame tu.. kenot say la... mak xbagi..hahahha..pulak...

ok... that is for today.. 2 entry nie.. ckopla ntok beberape minggu akan datang.. kaw free and ade cerite menarik.. aku akan update lagi... shepah and her brunette hair says bye...

with love,

membayar hutang..



mstila igt.. 1st of all... kne mintak maap sebab sgt amat lame x update... i've been busy... like seriously bz... sampai xnak ckp atau huraikan pon kebbz-an tersebut... malas!

ok.. selepas anda memaafkan saye.. barulah anda dibenarkan untuk membaca entry ini.. terima kasih... huhuhu...

ok.. back to december... oh... bkn2..itu dye...


back to may... huhuhu... may 2009 ke 2010 eh... lupe la..
*faktor usia.. huhuhu..

ok.. canie cte dye.. semase saye sedang bersedeyh selepas di dump oleh seorang makhluk allah which is very lucky to be alive...  (ye la.. ade ke.. da tinggalkan aku, brani2 tunjukkan mke kat planet bumi nie... ish2.. x syg nyawe btol... hahahahha...)

ok..mane tadi?? sdeyh... oh.. ok... kire tgh sdeyh gle nie taw... masih berkabung lagi.. then tetibe F bkn name sebenar tu muncul... kat mespes... peh... msetu.. mmg x rase pape... lupe segale kesukaan terhadap dye,, orang tgh sdeyh tu wey...wrong timing btol... pendekkan cerite yang sememangnye pendek tu... aku dgn dye salula ym... ym..ym... dan ym.... setelah beberape ratus kali ym.. dye ajk kapel...mule2 aku xnak.. sebab that time.. i'm still not over him.. tapi.. ble da lme2.. tgk dye macam sungguh2 sgt.. aku pon say yes jela.. walaupon aku taw.. i'm still not ready for anyone yet... tapi.. ble pkir blk... why not... i've been crying for so long.. mayb this time around.. it'll be better.. tapi...

dusta semata-mata... baik aku... or die pon still x bole concentrate on that relationship.. it just dont seems to work.. everything is just all over the place... clumsy, awkward.. but sometimes i had a very nice time... until one day.. she came and makes everything better for him... and salah aku jgak.. yang pegi baik sgt pg bagi dye jmpe ex dye sape soh... hahaha...padan mke... so, after a long time of suffering in silence... its all over.. xnakla cte cane..ekceli aku pon x taw sgt.. sebab mse tu da sgt malas nak amek taw...  sdeyh..dissapointed actually... but.. xpela.. it's just not meant to be.. xsampai sebulan pon.. hahaha.. ape je aku..

dan sampai sekarang.. aku sangat malas nak kapel... everyone that comes afterwards get the same answer.. i cant.. i have a lot of things in my mind right now... or.. i cant.. i'm not ready to move on.. or.. i cant.. i like the way things are right now... same old..same old... but the truth is.. i just cant.. x mampu... i dont think my heart can survive anymore of that love craps! aku x ckp aku xnak kapel lagi dah.. its just that.. nntila... when i'm strong enough.. or when i meet the guy who worth the risk of me dying from heartbroken.. hahaha..*pathetic..

ok.. dah? habes ea hutang tu.. jap g aku post lagi some stuff that happens in my life this past couple of months...

p/s: td bkak fb dy.. tgk dye tgh in a relationship dgn pompan len plak.. huh! dem...

with broken heart,